Monday, June 6, 2011

A quick glimpse at a few of the things I've been working on in my ArtFire studio...

guadalupe up close stagedcantinflas bubble glazebrown satin close upblue mexican birds close up094088
hella crafty frontloteria outsidemexican birds close uprosarita outsidevicente close up sidevirgen outside box open

ArtFire Studio, a set on Flickr. 
Lots more in my actual studio, linked in the top right hand side bar! Whew, creative pursuits have wiped me out this month!


  1. Just browsed your photo stream. We are totally on the same wave length! I have a Tapatio and an Abuelita jewelry box in the works:) Thanks for following my blog and looking forward to your future posts.

  2. Well you just put a big ole smile on my face! I tried to make a Tapatio box but couldn't peel the label off the bottle without mangling it! I can't wait to see your stuff! Viva la craft!

  3. Thank you for visiting my little corner of the internets, lol. Glad to see yours too. I love discovering new music, especially 'soft, melancholic, dreamy, nostalgic' sounds.
